URL is stand for Uniform Resource Locator: an address of a web page, ftp site, image, audio stream or other Internet resource, for example, “http://www.adiwidget.com/”.
Format of a URL:
Protocol://site address/path/filename
For example, the URL of adiwidget site is:
and one example for the above image URL would be:
The above URL consist of:
* Protocol: http
* Host computer name: www
* Domain name: adiwidget
* Domain type: com
* Path: /images/frame/
* File name: cute_01.png
To copy the URL of an image is depend on your browser:
Mozilla Firefox
* Click on the image with the right mouse button.
* Choose Copy Image Location from the menu.
Internet Explorer 7.0
* Click on the desired picture with the right mouse button.
* Choose Copy Shortcut from the menu.
Safari and Opera
* Click on the desired image with the right mouse button (or holding down Ctrl while clicking with the left or only button).
* Select Copy Image Address from the menu.
Google Chrome
* Click on the desired image with the right mouse button
* Select Copy Image URL from the menu.
then... you can adiWidget™ generate code here
KUALA LUMPUR – Kerajaan perlu mengambil tindakan tegas selepas kajian
mendapati beras tempatan dicampur dalam pek beras import dan kemudian
dijual pada...
11/7/09 23:29
makasih bos tutorialnya healthlovemoneyand family
3/11/09 00:47
Salam Ziarah
8/11/09 12:40
Salam.. Maaf, mcm mn nak delete icon yg dah diletakkan dalam web untuk di ganti dengan icon yang lain?
20/12/09 07:50
Interesting posting. Thanks for the info. Keep up the good work.
5/7/10 17:49
thanks.. :)
5/7/10 17:52
thanks.. :)
Sex Education
31/7/10 23:57
akhirnya nemuin juga caranya, sempat bingung terutama pada web yang mendisable klik kakannya makaksih